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Working Capital Key To Bakeshop Growth In 2022 [ more ]December 15h, 2021 - by Matthew Gilman, BakeMag.com - Despite the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has been a year of hope for many small business owners. A recent Bank of America Small Business Owner Report revealed that... |
Looking At Inflation Hot Spots For Commodities August 4th, 2021 - by John Unrein, BakeMag.com - The baking industry is experiencing dramatic price increases on a wide range of commodities, including wheat, corn, and soybean oil — and baking executives are trying to get a handle on where the market is headed... [ more ] |
The Asian American Experience, As Told By Retail Bakery Owners June 1st, 2021 - by Brian Amick, BakeMag.com - When the COVID-19 pandemic first took hold in the United States, we had little-to-no idea where we would be as a nation just one year later, much less how it would manifest in our feelings and behaviors. The fear that has pervaded throughout our society since then has led to several discouraging reactions... [ more ] |
Finalists Selected For 2021 National Festival of Breads [ more ]May 20th, 2021 - by Brian Amick, BakeMag.com - A panel of judges has selected the final recipes that will be represented in the seventh National Festival of Breads, taking place virtually on Wednesday, June 9. The national bread-baking competition... |
High Stakes for Grain-Based Foods in Infrastructure Plan April 8th, 2021 - by Josh Sosland, BakingBusiness.com - In promoting The American Jobs Plan, the Biden administration has used terms like “historic” to characterize the reach of its $2.3 trillion proposal that includes a major updating of the nation’s infrastructure. From the perspective of grain-based foods, the term is apt as well. Seldom has there been a government proposal so consequential to the industry in so many different ways... [ more ] |
Sales Jump 24% for Baking-Related Products March 18, 2021 - by Jeff Gelski, BakingBusiness.com, Rockville, MD - Sales of baking-related products increased 24% in the United States last year, reaching $26.5 billion, as many consumers looked for home-based activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the “Home Baking: U.S. Market Trends & Opportunities” report released by Packaged Facts in March... [ more ] |
Best Practices for COVID-19 Safety Quickly Became Standard March 1, 2021 - by Charlotte Atchley, BakingBusiness.com - At the beginning of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it wasn’t immediately clear what measures would be necessary to keep bakery employees safe. Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was critical to clarifying those measures... [ more ] |
Takeout, Immune Health Among Trends La Brea Sees Sticking January 5, 2021 - by Brian Amick, BakingBusiness.com - VAN NUYS, CA - Heading into 2021, some of the trends that have taken hold in the food industry are expected to stick around, even after life returns to relative normalcy. One of the top names in the baking world, La Brea Bakery has noticed plenty of changes in terms of what consumers are looking for from their food. Chris Prociv, vice president of marketing and innovation at La Brea Bakery, offered her insights into what 2021 will look like for baking and ... [ more ] |
Plant-Based Proteins Provide Added Functionality December 22, 2020 - by Charlotte Atchley, BakingBusiness.com - Plant-based proteins definitely provide a boost to the Nutrition Facts Panel, but these ingredients provide functionality as well. It may be tempting to pack a bakery product full of the trendiest new protein source, but bakers will be more successful if they reformulate with functionality in mind rather than simply jumping on the latest trend ... [ more ] |
Pandemic Shopping: Why We're Still Regularly Eating Bread and Other Baked Goods October 5, 2020 - by Liz Parker, snackandbakery.com - I recently attended a (virtual, of course) session by ABA's NextGenBaker program entitled "Leading in the Landscape of Today," which featured industry senior leaders speaking about the pandemic and how shopping habits have changed, and also not changed. One of the quotes stood out to me... [ more ] |
How an Ohio Bakery has Survived the Coronavirus Pandemic September 14, 2020 - by John Unrein, Bake Magazine - A baker's life during a pandemic can follow many different paths. Later this year in December, Andrew's Pastries in Marion, Ohio, will celebrate its 25th year in business. And to think this was almost just an unfulfilled dream. As the COVID-19 pandemic reared its ugly head across America's Heartland, this independent retail bakery located 120 miles southwest of Cleveland nearly shut its doors for the very last time ... [ more ] |
Companies Give Back to Communities, Employees in COVID-19 July 21, 2020 - by Charlotte Atchley, BakingBusiness.com - When the coronavirus (COVID-19) reached the United States, many companies that promote social responsibility quickly extended their efforts into supporting employees and communities through the many challenges the pandemic brought. For employee support, that meant incentivizing them to come to work by providing a safe environment and monetary rewards. Toufayan Bakeries, Ridgefield, NJ, gave its employees, both production and office staff, a 10% raise for ... [ more ] |
Food-Allergic Consumers Trust Smaller Brands, Study Says June 23, 2020 - by Sam Danley, BakingBusiness.com - MCLEAN, VA. - One in four Americans don’t buy products containing the top nine food allergens, including milk, egg, wheat, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy and sesame, according to new research from Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE). While 32 million consumers currently are living with food allergies, the halo effect extends to nearly triple that number, with more than 85 million Americans impacted by the disease ... [ more ] |
Custom Baking Products develops and markets innovative 21st century tools designed to boost bakery sales and streamline production processes while reducing labor and equipment costs.
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Custom Baking Products, LLC